After two mixtapeless months (the last one was posted April 30th, exactly two months ago!), I apologize for that, yaddayadda. You all know I'm sorry and didn't forget our traditon, I just wasn't able to keep it running as I wished. Well, apologies accepted, let's talk about the 19th edition of loverswhoareseekers mixtape. This time, there's no specific theme for that but the love of fuzz, feedback and sugared dreams feeding our minds with pure sonic bliss. As usual, I tried to make a mix between classic and recent pieces, ranging from famous to obscure acts, and from Shoegaze in its most "purist" sense to Dream Pop, Ambient, Post-Rock, or anything Alternative-related. While the classic side is starred by Catherine Wheel, Swervedriver, Medicine, the newcomers are represented by the forces of jesu, DIIV, Wild Nothing. Besides, we also feature a song from some cult guys like the kiwi Bailter Space, with the song I.C.Y., besides the japanese gazers of Sugar Plant. To the end, there's an unexpected participant in this edition: Here Come The Warm Jets, from the early work of Brian Eno solo. Although this material was written over 40 years ago, you'll see why it's featured in a Shoegaze-based mixtape. He was antecipating what we'd all know and appreciate many years later, as a truly avantgarde artist he is.
Ok, I talked too much already. Just click in the link below and enjoy the trip! ;)
Ok, I talked too much already. Just click in the link below and enjoy the trip! ;)
Catherine Wheel - Black Metallic
Wild Nothing - Drifter
Bailter Space - I.C.Y.
jesu - The Stars That Hang Above Us
Curve - Hung Up
DIIV - Wait
The Bilinda Butchers - Half Open
Brian Eno - Here Come The Warm Jets
Swervedriver - Up From The Sea
Sugar Plant - Brazil
Seefeel - Polyfusion
Medicine - A Short Happy Life
get it!