True Widow (TW) is a Texas-based three-piece and one of the nicest discoveries I made this year (ok, I know I've been repeating this a lot in this blog lately, but what can I do if it's true?). They started activities in 2007 and one year later they already had a full-length in the hands, the self-titled one. Since then, the musical direction of TW was made clear and they've been following that until the moment, which is the so-called Stonegaze, a label the trio has adopted to themselves in a half-joking way. Although labels can get quite corny and pretensious, that's not the case, as it fits the sonic world of the texan assemble perfectly. Imagine that crunchy, sluggish guitar-driven rythms of early Black Sabbath, Electric Wizard, Sleep, Alice In Chains, Pelican and many others blended with the blurry Indie qualities of My Bloody Valentine, Belong, Codeine and Low. It's laid back, hazy, monotonous, contemplative and, of course, really stoned, perfect for road tripping or walking into a swampy forest. Now you have an idea of what's all about. If you're still having trouble trying to figure it out, that's easily solved if you click the bancamp link right below and give it a stream to their latest work, the fresh and warm Circumambulation, which came out just yesterday. That's a serious candidate for the best album of the year and I'm sure it'll appeal not only for the weed-fueled wandering spirits that inhabit these unholy lands out there, but for most daydreamy gazer fans as well! ;)
In case you wish to dig even deeper in the TW's universe, just check the links right below for their previous releases, the 2011's "As High As The Highest Heavens And From The Center To The Circumference Of The Earth", the also 2011's EP Ino, besides the 2008 self-titled I talked about. I hope you enjoy them all!
get it!
get it!
get it!