Trementina is a chilean ensemble composed Lucas Martinic, Vanessa Cea y Cristobal Ortiz, and whose activities started earlier this year. Although they are just a newborn, they already have written some material and put it available in their soundcloud page (all these songs can be found at the bottom of this post and be downloaded for free). It's easy to see they draw much inspiration from My Bloody Valentine (specially the Isn't Anything era), Ringo Deathstarr, Fleeting Joys, the upcoming Kigo and such. To put it in other worlds, a faster-paced, fuzz-fueled Shoegaze that has a hot affair with Noise Pop. How can anyone not enjoy this? As they're a quite young band, they still have a huge learning curve to climb and a lot of potential to explore, but it's easy to see they're in the right path and won't take long to launch themselves into stellar dimensions, therefore, a band to be paid attention to.
Thanks to latinoamericashoegaze blogspot for presenting me this great piece of work. Just enjoy it!
Thanks to latinoamericashoegaze blogspot for presenting me this great piece of work. Just enjoy it!
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