quinta-feira, 5 de setembro de 2013

One Unique Signal

One Unique Signal, or simply put, OUS, is a London assemble dedicated to make delirant noisewaves since 2002. They have released a handful of albums and EPs so far (most of them can be downloaded for free, as you can find at the bottom of this post), the latest being the EP Luna Attractions, which came to light on September 1st. This work is pretty much on the same line they're following since their very beginning, i.e., what some people call Krautgaze. Yeah, the "kraut" comes from Krautrock scene of the late '60-early '70, whereas the "gaze" is taken from Shoegaze, as obvious as that. OUS pieces are usually repetitive and follow a mantra-like structure, mostly instrumental and always highly lysergic and brain-melting. Therefore, it's no surprising that they record and play live alongside Stephen Lawrie, the mastermind behind the unforgettable The Telescopes, under this very name since 2010. Mr. Telescopes couldn't make a better choice of support band, as they are one of the most impressive and accomplished "offspring" of their legacy.

You can find the bandcamp link for Luna Attraction right below, where you can download it at the name-your-price method, which is a "preview" of their forthcoming LP Aether, to be released on November 11th. Some of the band older material can be downloaded by the same method and, if you wish more info about them and even older stuff, you can find them in the OUS blogspot. I hope you enjoy it!


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