sexta-feira, 1 de fevereiro de 2013

Crisis Arm

Hello, Fellas!

It's been a rather slow week here in this space. Lots of stuff happening these days (as my masters thesis are wearing me off), but here we go, starting February. Last Saturday, I received a kind message from Kevin McVey talking about his three-piece assemblage, called Crisis Arm, and I couldn't be more pleasantly surprised by his work. His description says:

"Musically, Crisis Arm plays gentle yet claustrophobic experimental rock that straddles shoegaze, noise, and psychedelic stylings. Almost like the warped Wall-Of-Sound dynamics of My Bloody Valentine meeting the disjointed jazz-punk riffage of 90s Dischord bands, their work can be both jarring and engrossing.",

and it couldn't be more accurate. The skeleton of CA is made of Jazz-Punk, some Post Rock here and there and all those free experimental/improvisional madness, but their flesh and skin are composed by a top-level Shoegaze in its noisiest shape. But do not think they are just heartless monsters trying to entangle our minds with endless sonic attacks, as they put a lot of feeling to craft them, sounding gentle and sweetened when convenient. 

The final result: melted ears and a similing heart. Pure blissed awesomeness, isn't it? Then, you can find their music at the link right below, which directs you to their bandcamp page, whose albums can be purchased at a name-your-price scheme. 

That's it, guys. I thank Kevin McKey for the message. And I hope you enjoy it! :)

enjoy! (bandcamp)

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